Rachael Hunt is the founder of Gluten Freedom, a website dedicated to cooking, dining and traveling while living gluten-free. For the past 5 years, she’s been on the quest to find the best gluten-free options, wherever she travels, and she loves to share them with her audience. She’s been featured in publications such as Notable Life, Best Health, Canadian Celiac Association, and View the Vibe. She is most notably known for her gluten free restaurant directory. We had the opportunity to talk with her about how she stays gluten free on the go.
Thank you Rachael for taking the time to share your tips for staying gluten free with us. Firstly, why did you choose to create a website focused on gluten freedom?
Navigating things like dining out and traveling was my biggest struggle when I was diagnosed with celiac disease 6 years ago. This is why I created my website and resources on gluten free here. I wanted to provide the answers I was looking for in the gluten-free world and to share with others going through a similar journey.
Good resources are so hard to find, so this guide is crucial for individuals looking for support in their journey to being gluten free. With that being said, what steps do you take to surround yourself with like minded people?
I have found social media to be the best way for me to connect with like-minded boss babes. I have no shame in reaching out and asking someone to have a high vibe lady date. Some of my best friends today, are a result of Instagram! There are also great workshops and events that are held that are geared towards the modern woman, looking to elevate her life and social circle.
I totally agree! Nothing like a good support system. Social media has proven to be such a great networking outlet for many boss babes, like yourself. In terms of a daily ritual, what does yours look like and how does this help you be your best?
So, I start my morning with kundalini kriya, for abundance! I do this for 20 minutes with a reflection and visualization session at the end. This supercharges me with the best vibes! I also jam out to my “Abundance & Prosperity” playlist on Spotify throughout the day, to keep me feeling good.
Music is such a great source of maintaining that energy to accomplish those daily tasks! Along with starting your day with reflection and visualization, what comes to mind when you think of gratitude?
So, if I had to pick only one, I think I would say, I am currently feeling really grateful for my community and the ability to impact so many people through my platform.
Awesome! It’s always great to step back and reflect on the impact that we’ve made on others and how we’ve helped them on their journey. With that said, what advice would you give young women today, who are struggling with healthy eating habits?
I would have to say, first of all, be gentle with yourself. Learn how to honor yourself. Start where you are at and do the best you can, where you’re at!
Sounds like we need to embrace who we are and where we are, in our unique journeys! What was the best advice someone gave you that changed your perspective?
The advice that really made a difference in my journey was when someone said, “Stop trying to fit into your business, let your business fit into you.” This happened about a year ago, and was a turning point for me.
What great advice! It’s important to remember who were are and not what we do that matters! When it comes to food, do you have a favorite recipe?
Paleo fish or chicken fingers are my top two. I have an amazing recipe for baked paleo fish cakes on my website that I highly recommend to check out!
Definitely going to have try these. They sound delicious! Thank you again Rachael for sharing your amazing journey and valuable resources with us. For more about Rachael and Gluten Freedom please visit her website and Instagram profile.
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